I have loads of plans for 2015 but these are four projects that might actually get finished in the next three months…

Projects to Finish

1. Courthouse Steps quilt for a friend

Courthouse Steps quilt top

I’m hoping to finish this one before leaving for QuiltCon in mid February. It’s currently a completed quilt top. I found a Florence fabric in my stash that will work for the backing, it’s not quite big enough so I’ll do a little piecing. I have three left over (mistake) blocks that I plan to incorporate into the backing.

2. Swedish Bloom quilt for Anna

Swedish Bloom quilt top in progress

I’ve been procrastinating on this quilt for months, stumped on how to make it wider. I’ve decided to keep it simple and have ordered more of the Wee Wander print to make two wide borders for each side. I may yet change my mind again!! I plan to send this quilt out for quilting so I really have no excuse not to finish it in the next three months.

3. Strawberry pillow for Anna

Three Strawberries
Oh dear, this one has been a WIP for nearly 18 months, crazy! It’s just a pillow! I’ve made three strawberries, but I’m told it needs to be bigger so I’m planning on making six more strawberries. This is one of those projects that once I get started I should finish in a day or two.

4. Octagonal Orb quilt for Care Circle do.GoodStitches

Care Circle Octagonal Orb quilt top for do. Good Stitches

I have pieced the back for this quilt so it just needs basting, quilting and binding.

Four projects to finish up and two projects to start, because starting is way more fun!

Projects to start

1. A pineapple quilt similar to Melissa’s pineapple quilt

Or more correctly, blatantly copied from Melissa’s quilt! This is the block I made for Melissa, I’ve since started collecting a few more navy prints.

One #pineappleblock for you @clothwork Just need to decide on corner fabrics :)

2. A tobacco leaf quilt from the book Denyse Schmidt Modern Quilts Traditional Inspiration

I love this quilt so much I’m tempted to blatantly copy this one as well! I’ve started collecting a few fabrics for this quilt too.

Quilty plan for 2015

Linking up to 2015 Finish-Along with Adrianne at On the Windy Side. Click on the button below to see what everyone else is working on.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

9 thoughts to “Finish Along 2015: First quarter goals

  • Debbie

    Terrific projects and sounds feasible! Love that Octagonal Orb!

  • Nilya

    Wonderful Projects. Love every single of it!!!

  • Carla

    You can do this! I just know it ; )
    Swedish bloom is gorgeous

  • dutchcomfort

    Lovely projects Rachel! Go for it!!

  • DeborahGun

    what gorgeous projects. I love the Swedish Bloom – you can definitely muster up the energy to sew on a few more borders 🙂

  • Gemini Jen NZ

    Good luck!

  • Leonie

    Oooooo such a lovely list! Cannot wait to see them finished! the Orb quilt is my fav of this list… so gorgeous!

  • Rachel at Stitched in Color

    Wow, I haven't seen courthouse steps done in one continuous print. I love how it gives the ziggy edges! I hear you on the tobacco leaf quilt. I actually started one block and gave up immediately about a year ago. Maybe someday though!

  • Ashley @ WasntQuiltInADay

    I absolutely love your quilts!


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