Yesterday I listened to Carolyn Friedlander’s Hand Work is Fun Webinar (which I loved!).  It got me thinking about the applique quilts in Denyse Schmidt Modern Quilts Traditional Inspiration and how, given how slow I’m likely to be, I really should make a start on them. So today I spent some time going through the fabric requirements for what looks to be the easiest of the five applique quilts, Floral Applique. I’m hoping that by starting with the easiest, I’ll pick up the skills to tackle the harder ones (particularly the Hawaiian quilt, eek!). Thanks to the needle-turn applique class I took with Carolyn Friedlander at Quiltcon, I already have all the notions I need and most importantly, the confidence to make a start.
The colour scheme in the book seems to match the style of the quilt perfectly, so for this quilt I’m planning on following the solids list in the pattern and adding a few print scraps from stash.
Armed with a plan, I really wanted to make a start. I was hoping my Modern Solids box would have some of the solids listed in the pattern so I could start cutting (I’m impatient like that), but unfortunately it doesn’t have any of them. It’s probably a good thing, there are a few other projects I should be working on this week!
As for my Ocean Wave’s quilt, by squeezing in a few minutes cutting and sewing here and there, I’ve been able to finish five more blocks this week.  I love the way the different shades of blue and green give movement and add to the illusion of ocean waves.

And one last update from my Quilt The Book project, I’ve pieced a back for the Wagon Wheel quilt. It’s now with a longarmer waiting for the magic to happen.  I can’t wait to see it quilted!

Note: The Webinar link above is to Carolyn Friedlander’s blog post, if you’re a member of the Modern Quilt Guild you can access it through their website under Events>Webinars Past.

7 thoughts to “Quilt The Book [Progress #1]

  • dutchcomfort

    I’m sure you are going to love the soothing activity of hand appliqué! I love the red background in the appliqué quilt! (I still have the book… didn’t return it after all). Another look at the quilts made me decide I can always downsize some of the quilt blocks. I’m just too busy right now to start yet another quilt 😉 though I feel tempted to!

  • Svetlana

    I so love this idea of making each quilt in the book, and I especially love watching your amazing progress.

  • Carla

    Your header picture is gorgeous. I'm enjoying watching your progress too ; )

  • Linda @ kokaquilts

    Love how your Oceans Waves blocks are looking, very effective! I struggle with applique! The Floral quilt looks lovely, look forward to seeing your progress with it.

  • Leonie

    I love solids – I find them hugely striking and effective. I do love prints too! Cannot wait to see how these come together 🙂

  • Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore

    You're on fire! and probably need to be given how cold it is now. Do you follow @wehagodesigns on IG? She's doing a Hawaiian applique quilt at the moment – she's an amazing, award winning, hand quilter from Australia. Not to put you off or anything, but you might be interested to see what she is doing.

  • Wendy

    I love where you're going with the HST quilt!


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